Unknown Blues
Appeared on Seven Leaves in a Blue Bowl of Water
(Jack Curry (circa 1952) /David Munyon / S.P. Standley)
...this song is almost a true story.
Left my love in Pennsylvania
And she kept my baby boy
Only love can keep you running
Only love can break your toys
She said she could not stand the pressure
And she would not wait in the rain
Don't know what this is, this feeling
Something she can't explain
Near the first smoke in the morning
When you wonder where she is
And you hate this crummy job
But you really live the kid
She is somewhere in the country
With some laundry on the line
Ain't it the truth, these unknown Blues
They'll get you every time
HARE KRISHNA, Pennsylvania
Standing on my own
Empty room will keep you humble
Things remind you of love alone
He said I can't miss all this FREEDOM
An' disregard these rings
Don't know what this is, this feeling
Something he can't explain
Goin' home to Pennsylvania
With some changes on my mind
The Federal Boys call me dodger
So it seems the Unions doing fine
As it is will keep them honest
It's a job but it's not mine
Don't know what this is, this feeling
Something I can't explain
Near the first smoke in the morning
When you wonder where she is
And you hate this crummy job
But you really live the kid
She is somewhere in the country
With some laundry on the line
Ain't it the truth, these unknown Blues
They'll get you every time
Harley Davidson, Pennsylvania
Like thunders on two wheels
Love can only keep returning
Only love, only love can heal
She tries hard to hide her blushes
With her blushes and her tears
Don't know what this is, this feeling
They don't care to explain
David Munyon: vocal, guitar
Chris Jones: guitar
Mike Silver: backing vocals
Hans-Jörg Maucksch: bass